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Obtaining CVS 1.9.8 Snapshot Questions

posts: 101

Hey folks - I just have some questions about getting a copy of the current v1.9.8 TikiWiki CVS from http://de.tikiwiki.org...

  1. Does the site have a setting for english?
  2. Where is a link to a download for v1.9.8?
  3. If I install v1.9.8 CVS, will the language switch to non-english automatically (erg!) ??
  4. My reason for wanting v1.9.8 is to obtain the multi-level Menu functionality for my current Tiki installation. To get this, should I install the entire package or just a subset of files from v1.9.8?

Any help (as always) is deeply appreciated... when I eventually get the time, I'll definitely be updating TikiWiki doc's with all the tips and info I've learned here!


posts: 257 United States
FYI, I saw reference to 1.10 to be released in August and... its August! I would be interested to know about 1.9.8 and if 1.10 will be considered the current stable version when released. (You can see I know nothing about releases!)
posts: 4664 Japan

> FYI, I saw reference to 1.10 to be released in August and... its August! I would be interested to know about 1.9.8 and if 1.10 will be considered the current stable version when released. (You can see I know nothing about releases!)

1.9.8 will be the current stable version when released, replacing 1.9.7. The prediction/forecast/projection/wild guess about 1.10 in August didn't anticipate the amount of time people have spent on 1.9.8. From what I hear, there may also be a 1.9.9 before 1.10, so this is apt to push 1.10 further forward (toward a later date).

(About the numbering system, each decimal position is an independent sequence, so 1.10 is greater than 1.9. This is the usual way to number software versions, but the order isn't necessarily obvious when we're used to looking at numbers like this as decimal fractions.)

-- Gary - themes.tw.o

posts: 101
Hmm... thanks for the note Unclegeo - I hadn't seen anything about 1.10 yet. But still - no idea on the answers to my questions??

posts: 4664 Japan

> # Does the site have a setting for english?

I don't know, but all the info you need is...

> # Where is a link to a download for v1.9.8?

... already English: Download CVS zip ๐Ÿ˜‰

> # If I install v1.9.8 CVS, will the language switch to non-english automatically (erg!) ??

No, it'll be in English, Tiki's default language.

> # My reason for wanting v1.9.8 is to obtain the multi-level Menu functionality for my current Tiki installation. To get this, should I install the entire package or just a subset of files from v1.9.8?

I think it'd be good to install all of 1.9.8, because there are a lot of fixes and enhancements.

> Any help (as always) is deeply appreciated... when I eventually get the time, I'll definitely be updating TikiWiki doc's with all the tips and info I've learned here!

About 1.10, probably it's still some months off. More things get added, more bugs found and fixed, etc., so projected times slip. Tiki 1.9.8 will be released within days, probably, or if you're in a hurry, the above link will get you the current snapshot.

-- Gary

posts: 101

Hi again Gary,

Thanks for answering my questions. I'm just about to update my Tiki installation, but I'm wondering if I should just FTP all of the files back into the webspace?? Basically, how do I do an update, rather than a full install? I don't want to wipe out our current installation... I mean I've backed everything up and stored it on a local system, but I still don't want to accidentally blast anything...

posts: 4664 Japan

> Hi again Gary,
> Thanks for answering my questions. I'm just about to update my Tiki installation, but I'm wondering if I should just FTP all of the files back into the webspace?? Basically, how do I do an update, rather than a full install? I don't want to wipe out our current installation... I mean I've backed everything up and stored it on a local system, but I still don't want to accidentally blast anything...

The main concern is your original content. This is in the database, and in the file system if you have uploaded images for wiki pages or specified file-system storage for gallery images, and so on. Any of the files uploaded as part of the out-of-the-box Tiki package can easily be replaced (unless you modified/customized them) so you don't really need to worry about them getting deleted or whatever.

You shouldn't need to be concerned about having to reinstall backed-up data, since the Tiki upgrade process generally doesn't touch the tables containing your data (in the case of an incremental update like 1.9.7 to 1.9.8cvs). Of course there's always "operator error...." ๐Ÿ˜‰

-- Gary - themes.tw.o

posts: 101
I forgot to mention that the documentation on Upgrading doesn't appear to cover a 1.9.7 to 1.9.8 path, so I'm a bit concerned. As well, there's a point where the docs say to create a second site for the new install... but another spot in the docs say to just backup, upload to the same location, and run the installation script again (going into the Upgrade section). So... how do we do this properly???
posts: 4664 Japan

> I forgot to mention that the documentation on Upgrading doesn't appear to cover a 1.9.7 to 1.9.8 path, so I'm a bit concerned. As well, there's a point where the docs say to create a second site for the new install... but another spot in the docs say to just backup, upload to the same location, and run the installation script again (going into the Upgrade section). So... how do we do this properly???

Well, 1.9.8 isn't released yet, so there's no specific documentation for that. In any case, for Tiki versions 1.9 and above, the installation script can be run and will update the database as necessary (tiki1.8to1.9 for the versions we're talking about here).

I believe the "use a new location" instructions are for updates in which the currently installed Tiki is quite old, so there could be major file differences. In the case of 1.9+ upgrades, you can install over the top of the current installation. As the instructions say, be sure everything is backed up first (especially the database, as it contains your actual, original site content. If you haven't modified any template files, they are expendable.) You can do an ftp "overwrite everything" transfer if you want to be thorough and don't mind taking the time for that, or you can specify "overwrite if newer" and just the files that have been changed will be replaced. But a lot of files have been updated in 1.9.8 ๐Ÿ˜‰.

-- Gary themes.tw.o