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Can't access blog post dated for future pubishing

posts: 40 United States

Hello All,

I am writing a blog post I planned to edit as time allowed over a several day period of time. I made the publish date several days from now so I could work on it with nobody else seeing it. Now I have saved it, but not even I can see it. Is there any way for me to see a future dated work in progress?


posts: 289 United States
Are you logged in as an admin user or just a regular user? My guess is that this is a permissions issue.
posts: 40 United States

I just went in as an admin user and could not see the post dated entry.

I am running version: 5.1

I have also verified the posting user account as having all blog associated permissions except "Can admin blog" and "Can create blog"

Any further thoughts are certainly welcome. I'll of course continue looking at it myself as well.


posts: 40 United States
That's a good thought Darkbee, I'll get a look at it from a permissions perspective and see what I come up with. I have a day full of meetings ahead so I'll likely not get a look at it until later in the day.