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Features / Usability

Accessibility for Blind Users

posts: 5

I'm putting together a website for blind users, and Tiki appears to be a good choice for this. However, I've run into a number of problems. Are there solutions to these?

For a new user to register, they need to solve a CAPTCHA. Is there a way to disable this, or use an audio one instead?

When you edit a wiki page, sometimes after selecting the edit box the page will refresh and unselect the box. When this occurs, it appears that the edit box is made taller. Is there a way to make Tiki never unselect something without telling the user?

We had some problems saving comments and wiki pages. I appeared that selecting the "Save" button did not do anything. In some cases, it appeared that the button became unselected (like the edit box above), but I'm not sure if that was always the case.

Up Arrow doesn't always work when editing wiki pages and comments. Sometimes it works fine, but other times it does nothing, even though there are earlier lines.

I can work around the problem with registering, but the others make it very difficult for a blind person.

P.S. I'm a professional computer programmer. I may be available for fixing some problems, although I am most interested in the ones that are causing problems for my users.

posts: 103 Wales

For a new user to register, they need to solve a CAPTCHA. Is there a way to disable this, or use an audio one instead?

Hi DaleANichols,

Admin / Security has this option:

__Spam protection
Use CAPTCHA to prevent automatic/robot registrations__

I guess unchecking that will enable captcha free reigistration.

posts: 5

I see "Anonymous editors must enter anti-bot code (CAPTCHA)". That appears to do the trick, even though I asked about registering, not anonymous editors.

My host says I'm using 7.2 one place and 8.1 another. I upgraded last week, so I suspect it is a very recent version. The site has only been around for about a month.

I've already fixed a couple bugs, but I'm not sure I know Tiki or even PHP well enough to contribute anything yet.

Here are the items I'm likely to fix for my site soon:

I've found that your plug-in system is pretty flexible, but could use a good macro facility, basically transinclude with if/else. I thought about just writing an IF plug-in, but considering how GROUP and PERM don't seem to nest properly, an separate mechanism would work better.

The calendar sounds useful, but it seems really buggy. For example, I have the month of "October 2011" up now, and it shows from Sunday 09/28 through Saturday 12/06. Not only is that the wrong period, it doesn't even have the days of the week correct.

posts: 4664 Japan
DaleANichols wrote:


The calendar sounds useful, but it seems really buggy. For example, I have the month of "October 2011" up now, and it shows from Sunday 09/28 through Saturday 12/06. Not only is that the wrong period, it doesn't even have the days of the week correct.


I had that problem with a Tiki 7 site, and the problem went away I think when I changed the time zone on the admin general page. You might give that a try (maybe changing it to a wrong time zone and changing it back). If it works, of course it isn't really a fix, but could be a clue about where the bug is.

-- Gary

posts: 5
Gary Cunningham-Lee wrote:

I had that problem with a Tiki 7 site, and the problem went away I think when I changed the time zone on the admin general page. You might give that a try (maybe changing it to a wrong time zone and changing it back). If it works, of course it isn't really a fix, but could be a clue about where the bug is.
-- Gary

I just tried that, it didn't work.

BTW, I don't even understand the "timezones" selector. It appears to be a list of cities, but only some. I'm in Portland OR (pop 583,776), but it's not on the list and neither are Seattle (WA, pop 608,660) or Spokane (WA, pop 208,916). but Boise (ID, pop 205,671) is. The only city in Oregon or Washington on the list is Vancouver (WA, pop 161,791), but the way the list is written, I'm not sure that's even in the US--there is another Vancouver in BC (pop 578,041). Is this list some standard, or was it just built ad-hoc?

posts: 5
I just noticed that Tiki's General Admin tab reports my version as 7.2. Perhaps I only partially upgraded.

posts: 5

The calendar problems may be specific to Firefox.

Reporting the wrong timezone could be a missing feature in Firefox.

The bizarre multi-month month has to be a bug in Tiki.

When I have time, I'll report these properly.