[SOLVED] Tiki conditional (drill down) dropdowns with Dynamic Items List
Hello, I need help solving some issue. First of all please don't cite obvious sources like the docs (insuficient at least for this problem) or the first 2-3 google pages. Read all of them.
Now, using Tiki 12 and I have some tracker headackes:
-working on a ticketing system;
-can't use categories as I have too many subcategories and it is a very long list;
-is it possible with trackers to have some nested dropdowns, but in the end with automatic asignments? for example Hardware, Software, depending on what you choose to be able to select PC, Notes in the first case (Hardware), OS, Office in the second (Software); but also in the same form AFTER the selection, after the second selection in fact to automatically complete a text field (time in hours to complete) and a user field (to whom the job is automatically assigned)?
-I get weird results with dynamic lists trying to follow this example https://doc.tiki.org/Dynamic+items+list everything is fine but just for the first level
Better explained: I have categories, subcategories, and to each subcategory I should get some priority (automatically assigned) and a user also (automatically assigned) does this make any sense? How can I achieve that, how many trackers what kind of fields?
Thank you!