Can't cache get cleared automatically?
I have a structure menu on my website:
It is very easy to add pages, and yes, I know that every time I add a page I have to clear the cache for it to actually appear on the menu. The problem is that this is a community site, not my personal site. Every user that adds content gets confused when their page doesn't appear. Just today I see somebody added a page, and then added it a second time when they couldn't find the first page.
Am I really the only person struggling with this? It is enough to make me want to quit TikiWiki and go back to DokuWiki. I left DokuWiki because of the easy structure menu in Tiki, but it just isn't logical to have to clear the cache every time you add content.
Any ideas how to resolve this? If I make a cron job to clear the cache, the user will still look after creating a page and won't find it there immediately. If I set the cron job to clear it every five minutes, then what is the point of having a cache at all?