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MultiSite vs TRIM on a single hosted server? Forum per site or single forum? Blog Q.

posts: 1 Indonesia


Q1) Is MultiSite vs TRIM (Tiki Remote Instance Manager) better for multiple (6) sites (subdomains) on a single hosted server? My planned structure is in the attached jpg
ex. homeschool.sparkyandbear.com

I read the MultiSite vs TRIM doc but am not clear which is best for me. I think MultiSite because (1) it appears simpler to setup & maintain for a novice user (2) this is really a prototype website, so (2a) easier management if all sites are upgraded and backed up together (2b) I am not concerned about having to split to multiple servers (If I am that successful, then I assume that I can export the data and import into a new TRIM setup) and (2c) I don't expect any cases where upgrading only one instance will be needed or a security concern. REF: https://doc.tiki.org/TRIM#Alternatives

Q2) If each site has a forum, can one login be used for all forums (via https://doc.tiki.org/InterTiki )?

Q3) If a single forum, can some sections be hidden until after login, which then reveals the sections allowed for that user?

Q4) Can I create a blog system similar to http://edublogs.org/ but everything will be free for mine because it's for Indonesian public schools that don't have money to pay. (Will be a non-profit business)
4.1) Can I enable a user(student) to self-register and create their own blog?
4.2) Can I set up a "group user" (teacher) who can create and have access to many student blogs?
(Sorry, I haven't read the details about blogs yet.)

Q5) Should I let Softaculous install Tiki and then edit or manually install?
Using web host https://www.niagahoster.co.id/ which provides https://www.softaculous.com/ Auto Installer for cPanel.

Thank you in advance for your time & advice,


posts: 12

If you have six websites then I would recommend that you go with MultiSite. I use the feature myself and I can confirm that it works well. One has all the advantages of multiple Tikis with the additional advantage of using and updating a single code base.

I can also confirm that it is very easy to move from a MultiSite setup to a standard setup or to TRIM. As you may be aware, the database is separate for every website in MultiSite, so if you wish to migrate away from MultiSite there is really no need to "export the data and import into a new TRIM setup" - all you need to do is install another instance of Tiki and setup the db/local.php of the new Tiki instance to point to the old database that you had used in MultiSite - and you are good to go.

For single sign on, you have multiple options in Tiki, including the InterTiki feature.

I would say yes to everything you asked about blogs. And if Softaculous is offering the latest stable release, you can go ahead and use it. There is documentation available at https://doc.tiki.org/Performance if you wish to tweak your default Softaculous install of TikiWiki.

All the best!