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Architecture / Installation

Can't Restore 1.7.5

posts: 73

Please help!

I tried today to upgrade my 1.7.5 to 1.8.2. It was a complete disaster, so I decided to delete everything and restore my database/1.7.5 files. After the long and tedious restore, I discovered that nothing happens when I try to access my tikiwiki. All I get is a blank screen after a long delay (http://mattbarton.net)

What could be causing this?? Please help me.

posts: 34 Canada
Maybe the 1.8.2 installation went through partially and changed your database (i think it changes it enough that you can't simply dump your tiki 1.7 database back in). I would delete the database, re-install tiki 1.7.x and then put my database dump from my former 1.7 installation back in the database that was setup by the new install. But maybe someone else has a more elegant solution.
posts: 34 Canada
Also, you might want to dump the current database as a backup in case the situation is completely different from what i described! 😬

posts: 34 Canada
Also, you might want to dump the current database as a backup in case the situation is completely different from what i described! 😬

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Whats your host ?

Windows, Linux -> InstallTiki
IIS, Apache
MySQL, Postgres?
Also Safemode or not? InstallTikiUnderSafeMode
Is the session.save_path set correctly? InstallTikiUnderSafeMode

PHP Memory Limit? change in php.ini to 16Mb

PHP Cache like Turckmmcachce installed?
