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Architecture / Installation

Custom Module: "Syntax error: unknown tag 'img"

posts: 9 France
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist wrote:

I think something is wrong in the sizes parameter your set (never used it yet)

Tooltip for the Sizes parameter;
Comma-separated sizes (in vw, em, px) for the image in xs, sm, md, and lg layouts. Must be 4 parameters.

Hello Bernard,
thanks to care!

I tried with different parameters, but nothing is working, even if I only let as parameters:
Copy to clipboard
{img type="fileId" img fileId="8" }

The only way I found to at least not get a syntax error is to add
Copy to clipboard

But this only show the code img type="fileId" img fileId="8" on the page but not display the image...

Will continue to looking further...

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