tikidblib error before first screen
Problem installing TikiWiki 1.8.3: After uploading files through FTP, creating the database, editing the tiki-db.php file and chmoding several folders, I get this:
Warning: php_uname() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/oui/public_html/nandop/lib/pear/Date/TimeZone.php on line 3655
Warning: mysql error: Table 'oui_tiki.tiki_preferences' doesn't exist in query:
select `name` ,`value` from `tiki_preferences`
in /home/oui/public_html/nandop/lib/tikidblib.php on line 133
After this I ran the install script, and firstly it found a few more folders for me to chmod. Now the install script doesn't display anything.
I still get the same error above. I appreciate any help; it is frustrating not to even see the first screen...