Help with linking pages/content
I was thinking of using the image gallery feature to link to a wiki page in such a way as to sell my photography online that is in the gallery. It seemed like a good use for the wiki. However, I'm not sure how to do it. I can link to an image from a wiki page using html or a wiki syntax. I would want to allow the visitor to see a full size view of the photograph and then be able to return and decide to purchase the item, which could be done through paypal. I don't know how to do that in such a way as to avoid getting my users lost, greatly reducing the chances of getting a sale.
I'm thinking I would definitely need to have the large full size image open in a different window. Then if they like it they still have the thumbnail of the image which could link to a paypal buy now option. How would I do something like that?
Is there other ways in which certain purchases could be made in the community, in the wiki? For example a feature to make more than one selection before checking out and paying.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!