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Help with linking pages/content

posts: 50

I was thinking of using the image gallery feature to link to a wiki page in such a way as to sell my photography online that is in the gallery. It seemed like a good use for the wiki. However, I'm not sure how to do it. I can link to an image from a wiki page using html or a wiki syntax. I would want to allow the visitor to see a full size view of the photograph and then be able to return and decide to purchase the item, which could be done through paypal. I don't know how to do that in such a way as to avoid getting my users lost, greatly reducing the chances of getting a sale.
I'm thinking I would definitely need to have the large full size image open in a different window. Then if they like it they still have the thumbnail of the image which could link to a paypal buy now option. How would I do something like that?
Is there other ways in which certain purchases could be made in the community, in the wiki? For example a feature to make more than one selection before checking out and paying.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

posts: 4664 Japan

As far as viewing the full-size image is concerned, you could put a thumbnail in the wiki page that, when clicked, would open the full image in a popup window. See this page for the code I used for articles popups, which also works in wiki pages if you enable HTML. I basically used the image gallery template's popup window code, as I recall. I don't know how you'd do the shopping basket and payment functions, though.

-- Gary

posts: 50

That is what I needed to see. I like how you have items on the left that are customized. I have been wanting to do that and haven't figured how to do that yet. Yes, I do allow html.
How do you get the images on the left that give your menu a look that is more useful for the visitor? All the edits I've seen and done only effect the middle area. It would be nice to have something like the weather image on the left, a custom menu also. The default menu is good for me to explore but the end user should be able to see a more intuitive menu of my content. It should be divided into subject or content areas not features. The features would be associated with the content, not the other way around. I could make it so much nicer to have my menu setup with the ideas I have in mind and then take people to pages that have options that utilize the various features that are enabled.
Is part of the reason that this is different on your site the fact that you used Articles as your home page versus the wiki?

posts: 4664 Japan

>How do you get the images on the left that give your menu a look that is more useful for the visitor?

Do you mean the menu folder icons? That's an option you can choose on the Admin/General page (tiki-admin.php?page=general): "Display menus as folders." Actually I want to replace these with Mac/BeOS-style triangles some day (pointing right for closed, pointing down for open).

> It would be nice to have something like the weather image on the left,

That's a custom user module. You can go to www.weatherpixie.com to get the code for your location, and then make a module with that information. I just put their code (basically an anchor tag with an image) in a div, along with a little subtitle text.

> a custom menu also.

Yes, that's handy, and actually a necessity for a lot of Tiki sites, I think. The default Tiki application menu really contains way too much information for most sites; I had people complaining that it was too confusing. Actually there are additional menu items in our custom menu, but they don't show up unless you're logged in.

>Is part of the reason that this is different on your site the fact that you used Articles as your home page versus the wiki?

No, the two things are actually independent. To be precise, I didn't use Articles as my home page, but rather a new file based on articles, but with a dynamic content block at the top of the template, and a hardcoded limit to the number of articles to display. Actually you can get a similar effect with the articles plugin in a wiki page, but with the customized template there are no icons across the top (print, edit, pdf, etc.) which gives a cleaner look for the index page.

But what goes on in the center column is separate from the treatment in the left and right columns.

-- Gary