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Directory: Search

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flag Search @ resourceindex.com
Complete Scripts: Searching: Searching Your Web Site
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2397
flag Jakarta Lucene
Jakarta Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2378
flag CyberGL

CyberGL develops and markets interactive web-based software products for small to medium businesses. In it you will find an exciting range of PHP+MySQL applications.
All of our products provide online live demo, download, forum and are GPL licensed. Currently available products include: banner manager, calendar, classified ads, contact manager, counter, directory / link manager, file manager, forum, member manager, guestbook, news script, search engine, survey script, and many many more.

Directory Categories: Software»ForumsSoftware»Banner managementSoftware»DirectorySoftware»CalendarSoftware»Contact ManagerSoftware»FAQsSoftware»SurveySoftware»SearchSoftware»Classified
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2138
flag xinabse
xinabse is a search engine for small to medium sized sites. It consists of a HTTP spider written in Perl and a templatable frontend in PHP. Keywords and sites are stored in a MySQL database.
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1763
flag RobotStats (was GoogleStats)
RobotStats is a free application analysing the web robots visits on your site. For each page of your site, a small PHP code allows RobotStats to detect if the visitor is one of the 180 robots supported by the application. In this case, the visit is recorded in a MySQL data base.
Directory Categories: Software»StatsSoftware»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1531
flag loghat.com
german persian dictionary
Directory Categories: Software»PortalSoftware»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1340
flag SEARCpHp

PHP Search Engine (SEARCpHp).
All PHP, indexing and searching, no reliance on outside programs

Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1104
flag Xapian
Xapian is an Open Source Probabilistic Information Retrieval library, released under the GPL. It's written in C++, and bindings are under development to allow use from other languages (Perl, Python, and PHP are working; Java, Guile, and Tcl need more work).
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1034
flag PhpDig
PhpDig is a http spider/search engine written in Php with a MySql database in backend. Indexing after indexing, PhpDig builds a glossary with the key words found in indexed pages. On a search query, it displays a result page with documents which contains the search keys, ranked by occurence.
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 999
flag http://www.mons.net/htsearch
These classes serve as a frontend to htsearch, the search frontend of htdig. To use it, you'll need at least PHP and ht://Dig.
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 998
flag DocServ
DocServ is a small but very nice tool designed for indexing some inline documentation. Easy to use, you can install it in less than 5 minutes (downloading included ❗. DocServ need Apache+PHP+MySQL, but this is not an exclusive configuration you can easy adapt the software if you want to do your own stuff !
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 967
flag Boolean Fulltext Searching with PHP and MySQL
Boolean Fulltext Searching with PHP and MySQL
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 931
flag phpSERA: Search Engine Ranking Analysis
This is phpSERA, a new project which primarily goals to create a free tool for analyzing search engine rankings for website(s).
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 929
flag Search Engine Relationship Chart
Ever wondered where Search Engines get their listings? Did you know most search engines rely on each other for listings? Search Engines make up a web of highly resourceful traffic that are sometimes very difficult to understand. The below Search Engine Relationship Chart can be a great reference in your marketing decisions.
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 900
flag PHPSiteSearch

PHPSiteSearch is a site search engine written in PHP.
The script contains an indexer, which stores information about the site in a text file database, the contained search script then searches that database and returns the page results.
Includes: options to exlude words and files from indexing, indexing by meta tags or all words, multiple word search.

Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 897
flag phpMySearch
phpMySearch provides a search engine for your own web site. It is not meant to replace a powerful internet-wide search system like Google, Lycos or AltaVista.
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 885
flag Wordindex

Wordindex is a full text indexing suite developed using perl as the backend and PHP as the web based search utility. Any language can be used to search as long as it has access to MySQL databases.

Wordindex is capable of indexing huge amounts of data, one production system has indexed over 14GB of textual, PDF, and compressed text files. Searches on that system are still less than a second on a modest server.

Wordindex is clusterable, the indexing process which can take a very long time to complete on a huge dataset (meaning ~10G+) can be run over a couple nodes to spread out the load.

Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 858
flag Information Retrieval
This project is the result of a lecture I prepeared when following the Database II coursework at my university (ITBA). It is a search engine resulting from a pedagogic implementation of the theory presented in 'Experiments with a Component Theory of Probabilistic Information Retrieval Based on Single Terms as Document Components' by K. L. KWOW – City University of New York.
Directory Categories: Software»Search
Added: Last updated: Hits: 824
Total directory categories: 98
Total links: 939
Links to validate: 259
Searches performed: 2526
Total links visited: 2526