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Directory: Knowledge management

Top >> Software » Knowledge management


flag HelpCenterLive

This is a program very similar to other expensive Live Support Chats, xHTML and CSS compliant and...
Free and GPL.
It has also a WinApp but that is neither free nor GPL (but not too expensive).

Directory Categories: SoftwareSoftware»CRMSoftware»HelpDeskSoftware»ChatSoftware»Live supportSoftware»Knowledge managementSoftware»WAI-508
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2424
flag TheBrain Technologies Corporation
TheBrain Technologies Corporation offers an Enterprise Knowledge Platform that collapses the time to resolution of mission-critical goals by delivering the right information, in the right context, when employees need it. This solution, BrainEKP™, links disparate data sources into a collaborative workplace accessible through a dynamic, visual interface. BrainEKP unites an organization’s information systems to create a knowledge map that enables the capture and sharing of the company’s business processes and best thinking.
Directory Categories: Software»VisualizationSoftware»Knowledge management
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2073
flag memes.net

This is memes.net. It's running an online note-taking application which uses PHP and mySQL. The application is called Lucid Fried Eggs, Lucid for short.

Use the parent, child and jump links above to navigate around. Feel free to add notes or modify the text of existing notes. Be nice to each other and don't mess up other people's posts too much, and don't delete notes unless you created them.

Directory Categories: Software»Knowledge management
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1740
flag RealizationEngine
The RealizationEngine is a new, innovative web-based communication tool. More than just facilitating messages, the RealizationEngine is a designed communication platform. Unlike e-mail, which is 30 years of layering over a hack, or computer based bulletin boards, which are a computer-based metaphor for a several hundred-year old evolution, the RealizationEngine is designed from the ground up based on today's technology (and portable to tomorrow's technology) to facilitate communication.
Directory Categories: Software»ForumsSoftware»GroupwareSoftware»BlogSoftware»Project ManagementSoftware»Knowledge management
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1651
flag www.techscraps.com

this is a technical collaboration website. it's geared towards non-googleable, hard to find technical knowledge. It also has a wiki tips section where I'm planning to put all the tips and my experiments with tikiwiki.

e.g. latest tip about "how to add abdreas style logo to tiki stylesheet!!"


you can reach me at admin at techscraps.com
OR of-course you can shout at www.techscraps.com
feel free to become member of techscraps gang .. 😉

Directory Categories: Software»ForumsSoftware»DatabaseSoftware»Developer DocumentationSoftware»CMSSoftware»FAQsSoftware»Recommend SiteSoftware»Learning softwareSoftware»GamesSoftware»Knowledge managementSoftware»IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1546
flag MindMap & Knowledgemanager
Providing content with context is the next step in providing information (i.e. content) of any kind. For that it is necessary, like with uml, tablecharts or mindmaps to link the contents together, in the way how they are interdependent. This faciliates more effective learning, new generations of search algorithms, reporting tools, content management systems and artificial intelligences as well as automation of content retrieval. The presented java tool, provides a facility to insert all types of content in a graph, search over them and their corresponding contexts in the manner specific to each content and learn them by their contexts. Highlights are: amazing spidering of websites, spidering of a database, learning languages, learning contents by their contexts, graph editor (with plugable node contents)
Directory Categories: Software»Topics MapsSoftware»Knowledge management
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1303
flag The Knowledge Management Connection
Knowledge management (KM) is best understood as an umbrella term for a variety of loosely related practices, programs, and technologies associated with leveraging the “knowledge??? of organizations for greater performance or competitive advantage.
Directory Categories: Software»Knowledge management
Added: Last updated: Hits: 918
Total directory categories: 98
Total links: 939
Links to validate: 259
Searches performed: 2526
Total links visited: 2526