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User Documentation


This navigation bar will be displayed in all the MyTiki sections, in order from left to right the icons link to: MyTiki, Preferences, Messages, Tasks, Bookmarks, Configure modules, Newsreader, Webmail, User notepad, User files and User calendar. We ll explain each section next.


This screen shows a list of items that belong to the user, the screen can list user pages, blogs, assigned items from the trackers, messages and tasks. Other modules can be added in future versions of Tiki. The user can configure which of this listings will appear on the MyTiki screen from his user preferences screen.

If enabled from the admin menu you will see a link to user preferences in the main menu, the user preferences page is a page for registered users (users with a valid login and password already logged in the system) where they can set up several preferences about the site and where they can see some stats and quick links to pages, blogs or galleries they have created.


The user preferences will display a screen such as the one presented, as you can see it has a box where the user can change his email, the theme, his real name, home page and it has a link to the user personal wiki page as well as a link to edit the page.

This screen can be used to set up different themes for users, in the future we plan to add a lot of themes, specially themes for users needing special accesibility features such as aural properties, bigger than normal text, abscense of colors, etc.

Basically all the preferences that can be set at the user level can be found in this screen. The user can choose an avatar for him, the pcik user avatar link can be used to let the user select hist avatar.

In this screen the user can also configure the user messages settings, the user tasks settings and what will be displayed in the mytiki screen.


MyTiki bar

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This navigation bar will be displayed in all the MyTiki sections, in order from left to right the icons link to: MyTiki, Preferences, Messages, Tasks, Bookmarks, Configure modules, Newsreader, Webmail, User notepad, User files and User calendar. We ll explain each section next.

MyTiki screen


This screen shows a list of items that belong to the user, the screen can list user pages, blogs, assigned items from the trackers, messages and tasks. Other modules can be added in future versions of Tiki. The user can configure which of this listings will appear on the MyTiki screen from his user preferences screen.

Try it out

please link to the live Feature on tikiwiki.org


This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

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Who is working here generally? Link UserPage.

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Page last modified on Tuesday 29 May 2007 16:10:36 GMT-0000