History: WikiCharacterFormattingDoc
Preview of version: 3
This page details the use of WikiSyntax for changing the appearance of characters and words within the text you submit to a TikiWiki site. Discussed here are bold, italic, underlining, and colored text.
- For information on creating bulleted, numbered, and definition lists with WikiSyntax, see WikiListDoc.
- For information on page layout using WikiSyntax, see WikiPageLayoutDoc.
- For information on linking to Wiki and Web pages, see WikiLinkingDoc.
Quick Reference
bold | __text__ (double underscores)~/np~ | text
italic | ''text'' (double apostrophes, not quotes)| text
underline | ===text=== (triple equal signs)| text
!!Emphasis: Italics, Bold, and Underlining
For italics, place two apostrophes before and after the text you want to format.
Example: ''italic'' (note that you must use two apostrophes, not quotation marks).
For bold, place two underscores before and after the text you want to format.
Example: __bold__ .
For underlining, place three equals signs before and after the text you want to format.
Example: ===underlining=== .
please link to the live Feature on tikiwiki.org
This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).
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