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Re: email validation / registration failing. How to validate email manually?

posts: 12

This problem remains a bit of a mystery. We had to move the site into a developmental phase as a result of this issue and go with something else for a while as our main website.

I did receive word from my hosting company that the mail server had appeared clogged at the time. There's no clog now. We have no explanation at this time.

After renaming the domain name to something developmental, the problem seems to have disappeared for now, but it's on the same server, so that really says nothing at all.

It appears, again, however, that this issue may not have been the fault of Tikiwiki or its code. Perhaps time will tell. I'll keep updating this with an answer if one comes about.

I would also like to cajole those who post to leave a final post of some kind, at least one like this. Too many times here, I see people who post what appears to be a unresolved issue and there's no final note about if it was ever resolved or not. Even if you all give up, come back and write "I gave up because of this". That would be more telling than all of these hanging threads. How are the remaining forum members to judge what percent of issues/threads remain unresolved versus those which get resolved? Please people, come back and post what you ultimately did.

Thanks in advance,

posts: 21
on my tiki forums I have made a rule that the green smiley is an indicator that the thread is resolved and should only be used as that. It is crude but i can search for mrgreen to see how many posts are resolved vs how many are open. my 2c