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Architecture / Installation

Re: filter_out_sefurl() undefined in wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php

posts: 4 USA

I've been looking around and just realized that the message I saw during installation,

"No route found. Please see http://dev.tiki.org/url+Rewriting+Revamp"

might be relevant. I didnt think much of it because it was on the "Read the License" page. But looks like it may have something to do with rewriteing URL's just like the message I originally reported that I get after the install is complete.

posts: 1 USA

I have been performing a manual upgrade from 6.1 to 11.1 and encountering the same error message you have referenced ("No route found..."). I receive the error while trying to save a new wiki article (copying content from 6.1 site to 11.1 site). I was eventually able to isolate the cause as unacceptable words or phrases within the article content. I found the following items create the error every time:

  • ifnull
  • varchar
  • /user/local
  • mysql.user
  • /opt/lampp
  • http.conf

If any of the aforementioned are included in the article content, you will receive the "No route found..." error. You might want to check your "Read the License" page for potential offenders.

I am sure there are more of these. I will post new ones as I trip over them.